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Divine Mercy University, MSP Testimony

I found DMU when my friend applied for the Counseling program at DMU, and encouraged me to look into it and apply. We were both accepted into our programs in May 2019.

When my friend told me more about the counseling program, I wasn't very interested in it at the time, but when I looked into the Psychology program, it sounded much more aligned with the fields of work I was interested in pursuing namely pro-life ministry. After speaking to Michele (at the time, the Admissions Director), I felt really inspired and encouraged to pursue the degree! I knew I wanted to be able to study Psychology at a Catholic university because I wanted to research the effect of abortion on the family with a Catholic lens.

Divine Mercy University and the Catholic-Christian Meta Model was instrumental in how I now view vocation and flourishing, which impacts my personal and spiritual life daily when I encounter my family, my community, my workplace, and those I minister to at the Newman Center I run in Los Angeles. Not only am I blessed to have been a recipient of the DMU education, but I happen to work with several people who were also a part of the DMU community. The blessing of being surrounded by people with similar formation enhances and magnifies our interpersonal relationships as well as our ministry!

Since graduating from DMU, my capstone project has become a nonprofit! Through “Even This Way”, I've given a few presentations and tabled at events in my area, reaching out to the community I serve: those who have siblings who died by abortion.

My advisor, Dr. Gross, was instrumental in helping my capstone flourish. He helped me understand the literature and research about the effect of abortion on the family and how to pull it together to create a unique capstone for post-abortion healing from a new angle. His guidance brought to life the ministry I feel called to do in the Church and in the world! Additionally, Dr. Klausli helped us all find a love for statistics, which I think was the most intimidating course for me. She really painted

a picture on the importance (and dare I say it, beauty!) of good statistical research and data.

I've been involved in ministry and the pro-life movement for most of my career, and because of the nature of my testimony, it's always been quite personal. In 2019, I left a pro-life job quite shattered by information about my story of origin that I discovered for the previous 3.5 years. The discovery of my sibling who died by abortion was the darkest time in my faith when I questioned the Lord deeply, "Can You redeem even this? Is it even possible for You, Lord?" My time at Divine Mercy University was an answer to those quiet questions in the depths of my heart. Though my big conversion occurred at the age of 14, I felt I was on the brink of another conversion throughout my studies. I am indebted to the university for my growth in virtue and for much of my success! The readings, insightful commentary from my cohort, and guidance from my devout Catholic professors created an environment conducive to my healing and flourishing both as a young adult Catholic and as a Catholic professional in ministry.

Divine Mercy University would like to thank Krista who recently talked at an event in Arcadia, California hosted by Fr. John Hopkins. We were blessed to have her speak at this event attended by several DMU students and alumni. In this photo, she is pictured with Dr. Sean Tobin, a clinical psychologist at the Divine Mercy Clinic, the go-to Catholic mental health center in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. The June newsletter “The Mercy Minute” will share more information on this event!

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This was originally posted in the Divine Mercy University "Mercy Minute" Alumni Newsletter.

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